Crónicas teatrales de Rafael Solana (1953-1992)

Theatrical accounts of Rafael Solana (1953-1992)

Compilation: Rafael Solana and Mario Saavedra

Introduction and edition: Jovita Millán

Design and Programming: Omar Moscoso

CD (Critical Encounters, Recopilations and Anthologies Collection, in Digital Library 1)

Rafael Solana – dramatist, journalist, theater critic – was a collaborator in Siempre! (Always) magazine from 1953, the year of the foundation of the weekly publication, until 1992, the year of his death. There, he published the “Spectacles” column, with articles on theater, TV, cinema, opera and bullfights. For this digital edition, 445 articles were selected, all of them in reference to theater, predominantly to national productions; in that way, the compilation offers an account of Mexican theater in the second half of the 20th century. The readings and consultations of the accounts is facilitated in three options: “Chronological Index”, which lists the titles of the plays, with their authors and directors, represented year by year; “Index of Plays”, alphabetically ordered; and “Onomastic Index”, with the names of the theater people - dramatists, actors, stage directors, sceneographers – considered in the accounts. It includes the study “Rafael Solana”, the anonymous chronist, by Mario Saavedra, also compiler of the published articles; and an Introduction by Jovita Millán, editor of the anthology.